UGN-Speak | Next speaker is Klaus Burkert from VillageTronic (not Holger kruse as displayed) |
tekmage | Hello crest |
crest | snoopy: unknown yet |
tekmage | hello crest, welcome to IRC! |
crest | hi it's been a long timne since I was on last |
tekmage | crest: can you give us some background on your self, and about your company? |
crest | I'm with villagtronic for nearly 6 years and I did all the major hardware design for the amiga there |
crest | this was Domino, PicassoII, Ariadne, PicassoII+, PicassoIV and recently AriadneII |
tekmage | If you have a question, please /msg tekmage with a "?" |
tekmage | crest: ready for some questions? |
crest | at the show the new AriadneII was introduced as the state-of-the-art Amiga ethernet board at a competetive price |
crest | itek: yes ga |
tekmage | ok |
tekmage | Remember to end with GA and have your question ready! :) |
tekmage | queue is T-tam, tekmage, trizt, agima, yoshsi2, shen, manowar3 |
T-tam | Can you tell us the results of your survey so far? Do you intend to develop for the Amiga NG? GA |
tekmage | Please /msg me with a "?" and not your question |
crest | the survey hasn't been counted yet, the time before the show (monday to wednesday) were ~100 preorders, I expect the survey to come out positive. |
crest | regarding develoment for Amiga NG, it's difficult, as AI didn't disclose any hardware details to us yet. |
crest | ga |
tekmage | There is some confusion whether the Voodoo card will be Z3 or need a P-IV ga |
tekmage | Please /msg me with a "?" and not your question |
tekmage | queue is trizt, agima, yoshsi2, shen, manowar3, general-l, surround, zenon |
crest | the voodoo card will need a P-IV in Z3 mode. This is due to the fact that Voodoo needs 16MBof address space (doesn't fit into Z2) and it needs some accesses to be 32 bit wide, which don't work either |
crest | maybe there'll some dirtzy trick to make it work, but I'm not sure and playing safe for now to feature Z3-only. |
crest | ga |
Trizt | 1) The rumors about Piccasso V, can you say if they are true or not? 2) If it is true, will it be possible to use the addon from PIV on it? 3) Is there any thoughts of developing hardware which can be used on a Blizz603e? ga |
crest | it was a hoax/joke of CU amiga who played "what if" . On the page before the "PicassoV" this was mentioned but it was somewhat hidden... |
crest | There won't be a P-V with the S3 Savage chip from us. |
crest | ga |
Agima | First of all, good luck with the Voodoo add-on (from a non-GFX card owner :). Second, why only a Voodoo I? Wouldn't 3dFX let you near a Voodoo II, or Banshee, or was the license fee too expensive? Or is it something to do with the Amiga hardware? GA |
tekmage | queue is shen, manowar3, general-l, surround, zenon, snoopy |
crest | Voodoo 1 is cheaper, generates less heat and requires less board space. Even more we have proven designs from the Macintosh. |
crest | this reduces development as it'll be merely a spin-off. VoodooII wouldn't improve much as I suppose the VoodooI idling a little already as the Amiga has to compute the geometry data. |
crest | ga |
Shen | 1) When will the Aridine II come out ? 2) What are the new features to look foward to in the upcomming P96 releases. GA |
crest | the AriadneII is sold at the show and the customers take the actual working board with them... |
tekmage | Queue is manowar3, general-l, surround, zenon, randall |
crest | Shipment starts rights after we return from the show (next week) |
crest | I have no specific info on upcomimng P96 releases, the authors constantly work and improve features, speed and stability and I learn it from the release notes... :-) ga |
tekmage | nudge |
Manowar3 | Hi Crest:1) Is P96 OS3.5 RTG ? 2)Will P96 support Permedia2 boards from P5?..P96 author Tobias says "P5 hw is crap." What do u think ?GA |
crest | 1) tough question... there haven't been much details on 3.5 revealed yet or at least I can'รพ comment on the little that got known to me through the grapevine. |
crest | 2) The authors don't have CS-PPC or CS-MK.III and CV-PPC, they don't intend to buy it (~DM 2500) for doing a shareware driver. AFAIK any volunteers for doing the dirver are welcome. |
crest | I don't think that Tobias intended it that way, but every product has advantages and drawbacks, maybe he himself isn't convinced enough to spend his money on it. ga |
General_L | Do u have any plans to make a voodo card for zorro or/and the ateo bus? if no why not? GA sorry if any asked diz b4 but I crashed :( |
tekmage | queue is surround, zenon, randall |
crest | not yet. The voodoo needs a PCI interface and it's present and available on the P-IV |
crest | the local PCI busses on CV/3D and CV-PPC aren't accessible externally and the Ateo bus would need |
crest | a conversion from thsat bus to PCI as woulkd need Zorro. The conversion would add significant cost and I wouldn't expect a potential product below DM 500.- |
crest | I don't think much users would be willing to spend that much money. ga |
SuRRouND | crest: 1) Exist the real project about Voodoo board or Village only thing about to develop this? 2) Do you know how many Picasso 4 board Village sold? ga |
tekmage | Queue is zenon, randall, tekmage, jezzey |
crest | 1) we did some preparations in softwrae and hardware but no startroff was done yet. The design is already shipped on the mac and hardware-.wise would only be PCB-layout. |
crest | 2) yes. ga |
Zenon | crest: why was the AriadneII so heavy delayed ? (AriadneII works greats by the way :-) |
tekmage | done? |
Zenon | yes |
crest | we had reource problems in personnel. priorities shifted from amiga to mac (amiga market has really shrinked) and other internal problems happened as well. I spologize for that, the original timeshedule was planned for Q2/98... ga |
Randall | hi crest, greetings from australia! you say Voodoo 1 is cheaper. is it possible for you to reduce prices on gfx boards on amiga as they are just so expensive. once you get a pIV and then add voodoo its costing more than my machine (a3000) is worth. GA |
aTmosh | Don't give me ops, this is a public machine |
t-rex | please don't speak to the channel |
atmosh | I needed some ops, simd is asleep |
crest | difficult. The problem is development effort and especially the very low volume compared to other markets. I don't think it possible to do much cheaper without making a loss. ga |
crest | bye all |
tekmage | ok |
tekmage | thank you for comming today! |